20 Feb Dr. Lily Ros Plants a Tree for Every Product Sold
We are fond of Dr. Lily Ros for many reasons; from their commitment creating 100% natural beauty products, their eco-luxe packaging, and the message from the founder that touches our hearts. When we discovered that a tree is planted every time someone buys their products, we fell in love even more.
Dr. Lily Ros, though a newer company, has dedicated a percentage of their profits to planting a tree every time someone buys from them. This is a large feat for a start-up company, as almost every penny goes to marketing, research and development. It takes a lot for a small brand to donate their proceeds to anything else. We are proud to support Dr. Lily Ros in their mission to do better and to help save our planet. Through the use of sustainable bamboo packaging and planting trees, they are giving back to the Earth in more ways than one.
Support Dr. Lily Ros by purchasing your products from companies that give back and pay it forward.