
Prep Your Home for Fall with Seasonal Feng Shui

At Verte Luxe, we’re all about spreading good, life-giving energy. Whether through eco-conscious fashion or wholesome, vegan-inspired recipes that feed the soul, we strive to bring you the hottest tips for embracing a lifestyle that best supports and brings balance to both the environment and you.

As fall approaches, we’re thinking about all of our seasonal favorites: the return of pumpkin spice, the prospect of cozy coats and sweaters, the comfort of hot tea and a good book… but we’re also really getting into the art and science of seasonal Feng Shui.

Adding extra cozy blankets and reorganizing furniture in shared spaces helps create a sense of closeness and community.

An ancient science also known as “Chinese geomancy,” Feng Shui relies on unseen energy forces to create harmony between you and your environment. Supporters of the practice believe the objects around us can either support or diminish our resilience, energy levels, and spirit. And it isn’t just about what we include (or don’t include) in our home decor – it’s also about the way in which we position and organize these items.

That said, there are certain things we can do every few months to help us prepare for and welcome the transition into a new season. Here are just a few of our favorite tips to help guide you in making room for fall:

IN THE KITCHEN: Display a bowl of fresh red apples to beautifully and functionally ground you into the new season. Adding beautiful, earth-made pieces like those from Jason Fox Ceramics can also keep you rooted to earth elements as you spend more time in the warmth of the indoors.

IN YOUR LIVING SPACES: Fall is a season for gathering. Rearrange your furniture to promote coziness and closeness, and place blankets in communal areas. Even a small change – such as moving a side table closer to the couch to encourage having a hot beverage or book nearby – can change up the energy in your space. Adding a green plant or two can help keep you balanced and centered during long winter months indoors, serving as a constant reminder of the new birth summer will bring.

EVERYDAY HABITS: Start a new seasonal routine of taking a walk around your block or in a local park, keeping you aware (and inspired by!) the earth’s changes. As temperatures dip, it can help to embrace the Norwegian belief that “there is no bad weather, only bad clothing” and refuse to let the chilly breezes keep you from enjoying the outdoors.

What are your favorite ways to prepare for fall? Share them with us below!